Bible Exposition Fellowship

The Bible Exposition Fellowship was founded in 1965 by John Wesley Walker of Strood, Kent, in association with Charles D. Alexander of Liverpool. The Fellowship is committed entirely to the doctrines reasserted at the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century and the upholding of the historic creeds of the Christian Church, known as THE APOSTLES', THE NICENE, and THE ATHANASIAN. None of the articles contained herein may be reproduced without the prior consent of the Bible Exposition Fellowship.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

‘Revelation Spiritually Understood’ is Rev. Alexander’s Commentary on Revelation.
Originally a series of pamphlets it has now been brought into book form. (Edited by John C. Lowery) It has been published by K & M Books on behalf of the Bible Exposition Fellowship.

Enquiries for copies to:

Free sample here.


At 1:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the dates of the following:

-the date John Wesley Walker passed away
-"The Great Revival Fallacy"
-"Chastening-A Ladder to Heaven and Holiness"
-"Problems of Heaven"
-"Holiness - A Crisis or a Discipline?"
-"The Wretched Man of Romans Seven"
-"The Yoke and the Burden"

...all by Chas D Alexander?

At 2:52 am, Blogger StephenH said...

Do you have a list of years when Brother Alexander's works were published by the Bible Exposition Fellowship (dates of individual serials is what I need most for citations).

At 12:23 pm, Anonymous Mike Smith said...

I have most of the original booklets on Revelation but no.7 & 20 are missing. Is it still possible to find copies of the missing ones? I also have parts 1&2 of The Heavenly Mystery of the Song of Songs. Was that published as a book as well?


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